Game of Luck  

It is located in the tavern. You can participate in the Game of Luck with tickets bought, either with gold equal to Empire's 1-hour production, or with 850 diamonds. The number of the purchased tickets is unlimited. A lucky ticket, one for all the realms, is drawn every hour. The winner is rewarded with a gold amount equal to his 100-hour production. The Game of Luck reward is received by opening a special chest in menu Inventory / sub-menu Hoard. If there is more than one Game of Luck reward you still haven't received, you can open one chest per day.


The in-game symbolic presence of Imperia Online administration appearing as a source of a system message. Gamemaster's messages contain official announcements on behalf of Imperia Online team regarding upcoming events, news or successful diamond purchases. They are received in orange envelopes and are saved in System tab of Messages menu, labeled Gamemaster.

NB! Do not confuse real Gamemaster system messages with random ill-intentioned messages sent by a regular player with a name similar to gamemaster, admin, administration, Imperia Online etc, received in a green envelope and located in the Private message's inbox, aiming to obtain personal information, such as your password, or mislead the players encouraging them to send dubious sms about non-existing diamonds. Always bear in mind that Imperia Online will neither ask you for personal data nor lead diamond purchase propaganda via private message.

Imperia Online team recommends immediately reporting all malicious messages of that kind and commits to permanently block the ill-intentioned users responsible for them.


Garrison determines the number of troops that can be stationed inside your Fortress. Any non-Garrisoned troops in the Holding will meet the enemy in Field Battle if the Holding comes under attack.

The size of your Garrison equals the Fortress level's Base Garrison plus any enhancement from the Military Architecture Technology or the Garrison Tactician General Skill.

Troops stationed in the Garrison do not incur Upkeep and are unaffected by Morale loss during Fortress Siege. Archer units have their Attack greatly enhanced when Garrisoned. Siege Engines occupy Garrison slots equal to their Operating Crew.

During battle Garrisoned troops are only deployed in two Battle Lines: Frontline and Artillery Line. The Garrison Frontline has no Divisions and it's composed of all Garrisoned Cavalry and Infantry.

During Fortress Assault Garrisoned troops can only be attacked by enemy Archers and suffer only 20% of their Attack. Enemy Archers prioritize the Garrison Frontline over the Garrison Artillery Line.

During Fortress Assault only Garrisoned Archers and Artillery can attack the enemy.

Garrison Tactician  

One of the skills available to Generals upon leveling up. Increases the Garrison Capacity of the Fortress. Level 1: +4% Garrison Capacity; Level 2: +6% Garrison Capacity; Level 3: +10% Garrison Capacity; Level 4: +14% Garrison Capacity; Level 5: +20% Garrison Capacity


Military rank conferred to players with 500 000-749 999 military points.

General (post of the Great people)  

A position available to all Great People who have attained majority. There are two types of generals - Warden Generals and offensive general. There can be only one Warden General at any province, colony or military post of yours. A Great Person can be a governor and Warden General for one and the same province or colony only, therefore cannot be appointed governor and general in defense at different holdings. On the other hand, any governor can be sent to lead a battle from any other holding.
Upon winning battles against players in the x2 range or against independent cities, the generals gain experience points and can acquire special general's skills.

For more information about generals click here and here.

General's experience  

The overall experience points a general has gained from leading victorious battles. Experience is earned with every won battle against other players in range x2 or against independent cities.
Generals win 1 experience point against other users if the army they command kills enemy units with gold equivalent (not multiplied by 2 for points but the real one) equal to the net worth points of the winning account before the battle, divided by 100.
In the case of attacking an independent city generals win 1 experience point if the gold equivalent of the army (not multiplied by 2 but the real one) is equal to the net worth points of the user before the battle, multiplied by 1,5.

For more information about general's experience click here.

General's skills  

Skills available to all generals.

The full list of general's skills can be found here.

Global account  

Using the same username, e-mail of registration and password in all Imperia Online realms, meaning that upon the very first registration, the username and e-mail used become permanently reserved. If a player already has an account and would like to register in a new realm with the same log in data, he should click on the 'Have an account?' link in the register form. A change in your password will affect all registered accounts linked to the Global account.

Global effect  

An effect applied to the whole Empire.

Global Event  

A mass player event in the Realms of Imperia Online, which requires specific army compositions from players in order to be defeated and grants special rewards to those, who are most effective in bringing it down. For more information about Global Events read here.

Global Events  

There are many ancient secrets and mysteries to be revealed in the Realms of Imperia Online. And they can bring many valuable treasures to those Rulers, which are brave enough to seek them. Such entities are the Global Events, which spawn in each Realm after certain amount of time has passed since its start. Global Events take the forms of epic fortresses, dark places, towers that promise knowledge and many more. It is up to the players to plan and execute campaigns against these entities, in order to gain precious special rewards.

The Dark Fortress


• Players send armies, which march for fixed 15 minutes (30 minutes with the return, except during snowy weather) for Realm speed x4 and 6 minutes (12 minutes with the return, except during snowy weather) for Realm speed x10. The Fortress can be assaulted instantly for 2550 Diamonds for Realm speed x4 and for 1020 Diamonds for Realm speed x10.
• The Dark Fortress possesses massive amount of hitpoints, which are calculated based on the Realm development, as the main development factor being the amount of trained players armies in the last week in the entire Realm.
• Each attack brings gold, based on the damage inflicted. Its amount decreases progressively by each attack. If the player's damage is above 10% of the Fortress' starting hitpoints, a minimum amount of gold will be received.
• The instant assault on the Fortress option becomes unavailable, if the inflicted damage is more than 20% of the Fortress' starting hitpoints.
• The personal chest rewards will be decreased 2 times, in case the The Dark fortress is not defeated. The smallest reward could be a chest with 1-hour production.
• Ranking is based on the total damage dealt.


• The Dark Fortress doesn't have an army, just a massive Fortress Wall. The battle itself is bashing that Wall, until brought down.
• The battle ends, when the attacking army flees due to low morale.
• Although the player's army will eventually flee due to low morale, no units are lost during each battle and the battle is always won.
• The Dark Fortress Event can end ahead of time, if the players manage to bring the Wall down before the Event's scheduled end.

Skull of Wonders


• Players send armies, which march for fixed 15 minutes (30 minutes with the return, except during snowy weather) for Realm speed x4 and 6 minutes (12 minutes with the return, except during snowy weather) for Realm speed x10. The Skull can be assaulted instantly for 2550 Diamonds for Realm speed x4 and for 1020 Diamonds for Realm speed x10.
• The Skull's power is dependent on the Realm development, as the main factor is the amount of trained armies of players, who have logged into the game in the last 7 days.
• Each attack on the Skull can bring up to 808 pearls. You win pearls based on the percentage of overall army sent to attack the Skull of Wonders.
• Pearls can be used for purchasing 10-minutes building time decrease. The cost is 100 Pearls in Realm Speed x4 and 250 Pearls in Realm Speed x10.
• Instant assault on the Skull option is not available, if a player inflicts more than 20% damage than the Skull's starting hitpoints.
• You will lose all of your unused pearls at the end of the event.
• Ranking is based on the total damage inflicted.


• The Skull of Wonders doesn't have any armies. The damages inflicted on it are based on the invader army's carrying capacity.
• Players will not lose any troops and each battle is considered a victory.
• The Skull of Wonder event can end ahead of time, if the players manage to bring its Health Bar to 0 before the Event's scheduled end.

Tower of Knowledge


• Players send spies, which march for fixed 15 minutes (30 minutes with the return, except during snowy weather) for Realm speed x4 and 6 minutes (12 minutes with the return, except during snowy weather) for Realm speed x10. The Tower can be spied instantly for 2550 Diamonds for Realm speed x4 and for 1020 Diamonds for Realm speed x10.
• The Tower's power is dependent on the Realm development, as the main factor is the amount of trained spies of players, who have logged into the game in the last 7 days.
• You contribute intelligence points to the Tower of Knowledge based on the number of spies sent and the levels of Espionage, Counter-Espionage and Scouting
• Each mission to the Tower brings a maximum amount of 808 Scrolls. You win scrolls based on the percentage of overall spies sent on mission the Tower of Knowledge.
• Only Spies are allowed to contribute the Tower.
• Scrolls can be used for purchasing 10-minutes research time decrease. The cost is 100 Scrolls in Realm Speed x4 and 250 Scrolls in Realm Speed x10.
• After contributing to 20% or more of the Tower's total intelligence points, the option for instant mission gets unavailable.
• You will lose all of your unused scrolls at the end of the event.
• Ranking is based on the total contribution made.


• The Tower doesn't possess any armies. From the player's perspective he actually sends spies to help the Tower collect Scrolls for its library. The Tower's Health bar will fill up, instead of depleting.
• Players will not lose any Spies and each mission is considered a victory.
• The Tower of Knowledge event can end ahead of time, if the players manage to fill up its Health Bar before the Event's scheduled end.

Stone Prison


• Players send armies, which march for fixed 15 minutes (30 minutes with the return, except during snowy weather) for Realm speed x4 and 6 minutes (12 minutes with the return, except during snowy weather) for Realm speed x10. The Prison can be assaulted instantly for 2550 Diamonds for Realm speed x4 and for 1020 Diamonds for Realm speed x10.
• The Prison's power is dependent on the Realm development, as the main factor is the amount of trained armies of players, who have logged into the game in the last 7 days.
• Each attack on the Prison brings a maximum amount of 404 Totems. You win totems based on the percentage of overall army sent to attack the Stone Prison. Attacks on the Stone Prison does not let you win any gold
• All units with pillage strength are eligible to assault the Stone Prison.
• Totems can be used for purchasing of 30-minutes 20% bonus to population growth in all provinces. Price is 300 Totems in Realms Speed x4 and 750 Totems in Realms Speed x10.
• The population growth bonus cannot exceed 24 hours.
• Instant assault on the Prison option is not available, if a player inflicts (fills up) more than 20% damage than the Prison's starting hitpoints.
• Information about the bonus duration can be found in the Farms and Houses screens.
• You will lose all of your unused totems at the end of the event.
• Ranking is based on the total damage inflicted

* The collected totems can be used no more than 48 times for the current event.


• The Prison doesn't possess any armies. From the player's perspective he actually sends pillaging armies to fight the Slave Traders and free their captives.
• Points are given one time per assault, based on the attacking army's pillaging power.
• Players will not lose any troops and each battle is considered a victory.
• The Stone Prison event can end ahead of time, if the players manage to bring the Prison down before the Event's scheduled end.

The Eternal Castle


• Players send Great People, which march for fixed 15 minutes (30 minutes with the return, except during snowy weather) for Realm speed x4 and 6 minutes (12 minutes with the return, except during snowy weather) for Realm speed x10. A delegation to the Castle can be send instantly for 2550 Diamonds for Realm speed x4 and for 1020 Diamonds for Realm speed x10.
• The Castle's hit points depend on the strength and the average number of Great people of all active players in the previous 24 hours.
• You deduct points of the Eternal Castle according to the power of the Great People you send.
• Each delegation to the Eternal Castle brings a maximum amount of 606 orders. You win orders according to the percentage of the total power of the delegation of Great People that you send to the Eternal Castle.
• Only Great People can be send to the Castle.
• Orders can be used for reducing the cost of your Army upkeep by 10% for 10 minutes. The cost is 300 orders in Realm Speed x4 and 750 orders in Realm Speed x10.
• After deducting 20% or more of the total number of the Eternal Castle's hit points, the option to send an instant delegation gets disabled.
• You will lose all unused orders at the end of the event.
• The ranking is based on total damage.

* The collected orders can be used no more than 144 times for the current event.


• The Eternal Castle doesn't possess any armies. From the player's perspective he actually sends a delegation to negotiate.
• Players will not lose any Great People.
• The Eternal Castle event can end ahead of time, if the players manage to bring its Health Bar to 0 before the Event's scheduled end.

Global Events Ranking

• The players can track their current Ranking via a table, which is located in the Global Event Widget.

In the case of a global event that was not destroyed, the next global event of that type in the realm will appear with fewer hit points, and vice versa - if the global event was destroyed, the next global event of that type in the realm will appear with more hit points.

Global map  

The lands where The Great People's world is located. A map equal and fully visible for all players in the realm. The place where all Empires, colonies, alliance castles and rally points are situated and where all military interactions between players and alliances, such as attack and espionage, are exclusively executed. The measure for square area of the Global map is one point = 1 imperial mile. The whole map measures 2000x2000 points. It is accessed from the globe icon in the vertical left hand menu.

Global map's animations  

Visualization of traveling troops, either your own missions or incoming enemy attacks, on the Global map if you have previously activated the Global map's animations in Settings menu.

Glory Ranking  

Ranking in the game, which reflects the military achievements of the alliances. It focuses on the alliance wars and is based on points of Glory. Glory points are received after each war, depending on the performance of the alliances. They are calculated by a formula based on the net points of the members of the fighting alliances and the military points made for the specific war. The more successful the war, the more glory points the winner will receive, but if the victorious alliance significantly exceeds the net points of the losing alliance, the Glory points it would gain would be less than if it defeats an equal or stronger opponent.
The defeated alliance receives glory points equal to 20% of the glory points of the winning alliance, only if the military points of the defeated alliance for the specific war are at least 50% of the military points made by the winning alliance. If this condition is not met, then the defeated alliance does not receive glory points.
The ranking is available in menu Battles and influence, menu Wars - there is a Weekly and General ranking.
In the Weekly ranking, all wars that ended during the current week bring glory points to the victorious alliance. If a war has started in the current week but ends in the following week, the points are reflected for the week in which the war ended. Glory points get reset at the beginning of each week. The top 4 alliances in the Weekly ranking are being awarded with expiring diamonds and hourly resources income.
After the end of each war during the season, the Glory points earned by each alliance accumulate in the General Rankings. After the end of the season, the first 3 alliance win special medals Conqueror and points for Hall of Fame.


The currency of the game generated as a tax, exacted from the working population. It follows 6 different tax rates. Gold is generated and used in a centralized way - from the treasury, located exclusively in the Empire’s capital. This means that, at one hand, exacted taxes go directly to the treasury and, on the other hand, the required gold for Buildings, Technologies or army upkeep is drawn out automatically from there, without any need to manually transport it.

Gold balance  

The difference between expenses and income. Gold balance can be positive or negative.

Gold Equivalent  

A converted value of an item, where all the resources spent for its production are equated with Gold; 1 Gold = 1 Wood = 1 Iron = 1 Stone.

Gold transfer  

Sending gold to an ally. It is, though, limited. Players can send or receive not more than 10% of their current net worth gold equivalent. Gold transfer is taxed. The closer to their limit a player is, the more gold will be lost during transferring. The sender will be notified about the amount of gold that will be lost due to taxation. Gold can be sent with supply wagons and will be received in the Caravan Station.

NB! In order to successfully transfer gold you need a Caravan Station and supply wagons. The gold is sent from Gold transfer tab of the Caravan Station.

For more information about transfer of gold click here.


Popular naming for an abandoned empire.

Government's additional bonuses  

An extended version of the Governments module. Over a period of time new additional effects are generated for your Government. You will be notified with a system message about the generation of new effects and the date which they can be activated until. You can activate additional effects even if your Government is Neutral. You can replace the automatically generated effects with other effects within 6 hours in the web version realms and 3 hours in the mobile version realms after the generation in exchange for diamonds. Keep in mind that the main government's effects do not cancel the additional effects. For example, additional effect "+X times higher happiness penalty per recruited soldier unit group" will be active even if the chosen government is Barbarism with "No loss of Happiness when recruiting" positive bonus and happiness penalty will be applied when recruiting army. Also, main effect like "10% faster and cheaper economic technologies" and additional effect like "3% slower and more expensive economic technologies" will sum up and a total effect of 7% faster and cheaper economic technologies will be applied.

Government: Barbarism  

Barbarism Government has the following effects:
Positive effects:

10% faster and cheaper military technologies
50% higher population growth
20% lower army upkeep
50% higher army carrying capacity
25% faster unit training
No loss of Happiness when recruiting
50% more resources from barbarian chests
50% less Honor losses
Gold from pillages and supply train x4
20% faster army travel

Negative effects:

10% slower and more expensive economic technologies
5 levels of Espionage
30% lower housing capacity
No tribute from vassals

Government: Feudalism  

Feudalism Government has the following effects:
Positive effects:

10% faster and cheaper economic technologies
10 levels of Counter-Espionage
15% higher farm capacity
50% cheaper annexing
100% higher garrison capacity
Free of charge repair of fortresses in provinces
50% more protected resources
50% bigger fortress impact on production in provinces
10% more hit points of the fortress
100% more governor experience

Negative effects:

10% higher army upkeep
10% slower and more expensive military technologies
20% slower army travel
100% more expensive colony foundation

Government: Imperialism  

Imperialism Government has the following effects:
Positive effects:

15% faster and cheaper economic buildings
15% higher housing capacity
75% cheaper colony foundation
Gold from vassals and trade potential x8
No loss of Happiness due to remote holdings
200% higher market capacity
10% higher colony efficiency
100% higher transport station capacity
100 Imperial Miles logistics bonus
100% bigger impact of all special resources except for Yew, Coal, Horseshoe, Granite and Diamonds.

Negative effects:

15% slower and more expensive military buildings
20% higher army upkeep
-5 levels of Counter-Espionage
20% lower province efficiency

Government: Monarchy  

Monarchy Government has the following effects:
Positive effects:

20% faster and cheaper military buildings
20 morale points more in attack
5 levels of Espionage
150% bigger impact of governor talents and skills
100% more general experience
Additional 1 inborn talent (max. 4)
Annex by force does not lower buildings' levels
Capacity of Military posts x10
3 growth points after an attack on an independent city
10% lower army upkeep

Negative effects:

10% slower and more expensive economic buildings
5% lower farm capacity
10% less protected resources
-5 morale points less in defense

Government: Neutral  

Neutral Government has no positive or negative effects on your empire's development.


A feature that allows players to choose among 4 types of governments for their empires.

- Each government type carries its own positive and negative modifiers to different aspects of the game
- They are aimed at different styles of play - offensive, defensive, etc.
- Governments can be switched but this temporarily plunges the empire into a transition period called Anarchy. The duration of Anarchy is 12 hours for realm speed x4/6 hours for realm speed x10 and can be decreased by the account level bonus "Law Enforcer".
- You can also choose Neutrality which leaves your empire unaffected by any modifiers
- Governments get unlocked at Centralization 1 and are visible in Rankings


A position available to all Great people who have attained majority. They can be appointed as governors of a province, a colony or a trading post. Every Great person can be a governor at only one holding at the same time. The Emperor is the governor of the Capital by default and cannot govern elsewhere.
Governors receive experience points while on their post and thus can acquire different skills that bring special bonuses.

For more information about governors see here.

Governor's experience  

The overall experience points a governor has gained from staying on his post. The governors gain 2 points every 12 minutes. The highest level of experience a governor can achieve is 20. The Emperor has a bonus to this limit - he can reach up to 30 experience levels.

Governors only acquire experience while they are on the post so if you send him on a mission or demote them they won't receive any experience points for the time of their absence.

For more information about guverner's experience click here.

Governor's skills  

Skills available to all governors.

The full list of governor's skills can be found here.

Great person  

A representative of the ruling class of your empire. Every empire has its own Great people - an Emperor, Imperial family and nobles. All Great people are located in the Palace. They can be assigned the roles of governors and generals of your holdings and thus grant you bonuses to the empire's military and economic development. You can send them abroad to marry other players' Imperial family members in order to sign a dynasty peace treaty. If you're not contented with a noble, you may send them to exile. The Emperor/Empress cannot be sent into exile.

Great person`s profile  

Every portrait of a Great person in the Palace leads to his/her profile. From the profile screen you can check the Great people's marital status, experience levels, inborn talents and already acquired skills. You can appoint them for successor to the throne or send them as Marriage Candidates to other players. Selection of skills and paid experience upgrade are also performed from the Great person's profile.

Great Temple  

Alliance castle’s special building which increases the range of cultural and military influence by certain radius per level. The increase has a fading nature i.e. with every following level the difference between two levels is smaller compared with the previous one.

For more information about Great temple click here and here.


Army Unit.
Trained in: Infantry Barracks
Prerequisites: Melee Attack 20, Armor 20, Centralization 11

• Type: Melee, Infantry, Swordsman
• Priority Deployment: Center (Frontline)

+ Assault Troop: This unit is prioritized in Frontline composition during Fortress Assault
+ Close Combat: Attack x 2 vs. Archers
+ Shield Wall: This unit is boosted when defending – Hit Points x 1.2
+ Last Line of Defense: If garrisoned, this unit is boosted during Fortress Sacking – Hit Points x 2
+ Elite Troop: This unit is boosted when fighting in a Center – Attack x 1.2, Hit Points x 1.2

- Vulnerable to Cavalry: Against this unit all Cavalry has Attack x 2
- Heavy Troop: This unit suffers penalties when fighting in a Flank – Attack x 0.8, Hit Points x 0.8

For detailed unit stats, click here.

Gubernatorial Headquarters  

Economic Building.
Type: Capital, Add-on
Prerequisites: Palace 1
Maximum Level: 16

Palace Add-on. Allows you to pay resources to level up your Governors. Each level after the first one of the Gubernatorial headquarters increases the received experience from training by 5%. Each 2 levels allow for the simultaneous training of an additional great person. At level 16 up to 8 great persons can be trained simultaneously.

You can train your Great People through their Profile and Trainings tab in tab Governors in the Palace.